Pearls by the typical Maluku

Maluku is indeed one of the best pearl producers in Indonesia. From hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars you can find here. As in the village of Batu Merah, Ambon City, which sells handicrafts made from pearls.

From a pearl of cultivation around the Maluku islands or natural in the can from the sea can be very high value when it is used as an accessory such as, rings, bracelets, earrings, and others.

Even pearl shells can be made something of high value also by the hands of skilled experts. The process was fairly difficult, ranging from cleaning the shells, making patterns, cutting up to be formed according to the desire to use a saw that requires high precision.

From the shell shells that require the skill process from the skilled hands this becomes a high-value work such as, Calligraphy, necklaces, brooches and more. In addition to pearls, in Ambon is also known as white iron craft that has high selling value. White iron craft used as jewelry or accessories such as, rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and more.

From a ring made from white iron can be purchased from the price of tens of thousands to millions of dollars depending on the type of goods you like. Leaving Pearls and white iron, it turns out that Ambon is also famous for its White Wood Oil to cure some diseases. The eucalyptus tree through the processing up to the distillation can produce a high-efficacious oil.

If you want to buy, no need to bother coming to this eucalyptus oil processing. You just need to come to places that sell souvenirs typical Ambon in the city of Ambon.

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